
Monday, April 13, 2015

Coupling Solutions Learning Lab - Hannover Messe 2015

Coupling Learning Lab at Hannover Messe 2015
Coupling Learning Lab - Hannover Messe (Hall 25, D34)
If you've ever been to a major trade show, you will notice that most manufacturers go to great lengths to highlight only their absolute best looking products. With this in mind, we thought we would take a radical approach, and create a booth filled with coupling failures for Hannover Messe 2015 (Hall 25, Stand D34).  

That's right, a trade show booth filled with all kinds of product failures. 
The natural question one might expect is: "Why?" (And sure enough, before the show has even started, one competitor walked up to our booth and said "Why are you showing bad couplings?")

Failed Disc Couplings at Hannover Messe
Failed Disc Couplings at Hannover Messe
The answer is simple. We genuinely care about our customer and want to educated them as to what may and can go wrong if they do not size, select, or install a coupling correctly. Having been a market leader in the flexible coupling market for generations, we are also more than confident enough in ourselves and our products to not worry about the impact of highlighting products that were not used correctly. 

By design, couplings are generally a wear item with a finite life. Furthermore, they are designed to take the excessive abuse of a system, and are often designed to formally serve as a system fuse. 

R+L Hydraulics Booth at Hannover Messe 2015
Primary Hannover Messe 2015 Booth (Hall 20, C36)
If you are lucky enough to be in Hannover, Germany and attending Hannover Messe 2015, we hope you will stop by our Learning Lab to ask whatever coupling question you may have, learn from what we have on display, and are able to grow from the incredibly talented engineers we have staffed the booth with this year. 

Will this approach work? While we are quite optimistic, we of course would love your feedback. Please let us know if you think the booth was a good idea, and how we could improve upon it in the future. 

And, if you really can't stand the idea of seeing worn out couplings... or just would like to be reassured by a whole bunch of those as well... we'll we still have you covered at Hannover Messe. In addition to the Coupling Learning Lab booth, we also have our primary R+L Hydraulics hydraulic & power transmission booth in Hall 20, Stand C36.

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